Eggs Inc

Där äggen är i fokus!

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Egg Buns Deal

Egg Bun - vår variant av en hamburgare. En ägg-puck tillsammans med flera olika toppings av kött eller tillagade och färska grönsaker. Till det olika hemmagjorda dressingar som får det att vattnas i munnen. Hugg in!
I en Deal serveras det med en dryck och en side order.

Egg Pizza Deals

Our unique Egg Pizzas - where the dough is replaced with eggs! No flour, no gluten, no carbs but full of taste! Perfect for you who crave a pizza but want a healthier alternative. Which one will become your favorite?
In a Deal is it served with a drink and a side order.

Egg Benedicte Deal

Two perfectly poached free-range eggs, served on a fluffy brioche bread topped with delicious hollandaise sauce. Choose your topping! Served with a drick and a side order.

Egg Bites

Bite sized egg nuggets with truffle or chili dip sauce. Enjoy as a side, a snack, or as a meal! Comes in 6/9/12-pack.


The most important meal of the day - Start with a healthy, tasty and fulfilling breakfast. Choose your favorites and fill up on energy that last all day.

Eggs Buns

Egg Bun - our take on the hamburger. An Egg puck topped with meat or cooked or fresh veggies. On top of that, a variety of our home made, month watering dressings. Dig in!

Egg Pizzas

Skorpa gjord av 100% ägg, Fiori di latte, mozzarella och vår hemlagade tomatsås. Inget bröd - Ingen gluten.

Egg Benedict

Scrambled Eggs

Egg Omelettes


Gluten free pancakes - Almond or banana



Där äggen är i fokus!

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Regeringsgatan 29

111 53 Stockholm

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